Who We Are

MY NETWORK is a company offering top-quality products and services to our customers. Our mission is to develop products that are safe, reliable, and easy to use, to suit your and your family needs.

We're proud of the way we do business, too—we strive to provide a great value for our customers every step of the way.

MY NETWORK a company registered in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under trade license number 4030470761 located at Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Branch Rd, Ash Shati District, Sumou Tower, 5th Floor, 516
+96613887888, Ext: 1051

Our Vision

MY NETWORK’s vision is to build an attractive, distinctive brand that speaks to the culture and lifestyle of the Gulf family. We provide our people with the products they seek. Our mission is to bring our people from our company and the best quality products together to elevate their lifestyles with a fresh, new take on health and fashion.

Our Mission

We understand that online shopping can be tricky for some, and therefore we are focused on maintaining a smooth, effortless online shopping experience for our customers. Our secure website is easy to navigate, and our checkout process takes a few minutes to complete with multiple payment methods to facilitate payments. Warranty is also provided for any product you buy. A valuable component to your success is the pre-sales support we can offer such as answering your questions and providing further information prior to making your purchase.

Let’s Explore our products